Unravelling Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Guide Focused on GPT

Dean Lofts
3 min readMay 19, 2023


Unravelling Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Guide Focused on GPT

In the era of artificial intelligence, Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as a transformative technology, offering immense potential for various applications. Given the rapid advancements in this field, it’s essential to equip yourself with the necessary understanding to leverage these models effectively. This article, focusing on Generative Pre-training Transformer (GPT) models, will help you bootstrap your knowledge of LLMs.

Prelude: The Foundation of Neural Networks

Before delving into the intricacies of transformers and LLMs, it’s crucial to grasp the basic principles of neural networks. Here are some resources to get you started:

  1. 3Blue1Brown’s Neural Network videos: This YouTube series provides an accessible yet comprehensive introduction to neural networks.
  2. Neural Networks and Deep Learning: This online book by Michael Nielsen offers an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of neural networks and deep learning.

YouTube Lessons: Learning Through Visual Aids

Video lessons can help to comprehend complex concepts visually. The following YouTube lessons range from basic introductions to detailed breakdowns of specific aspects of LLMs and GPT models:

  • Andrej Karpathy’s “Building makemore” series provides an in-depth walkthrough on building language models using PyTorch, from basic bi-gram name generators to becoming a backpropagation ninja.
  • Hedu AI’s “Visual Guide to Transformer Neural Networks” series clarifies essential concepts such as position embeddings, multi-head & self-attention, and decoder’s masked attention.
  • Jay Alammar’s “The Narrated Transformer Language Model” offers a comprehensive look at the architecture of transformer models.
  • Mark Chen’s lecture “Transformers in Language: The Development of GPT Models” delves into the evolution and application of GPT models, including GPT-3.

Enlightening Articles: Deep Dives into LLMs

Various articles provide valuable insights and details on LLMs and GPT models:

  • Jay Alammar’s “The Illustrated Transformer” and “The Illustrated GPT-2” provide visually appealing and intuitive explanations of transformer models and GPT-2.
  • Jason Wei’s “137 emergent abilities of large language models” offers a comprehensive list of advanced prompting strategies for LLMs.
  • Finbarr Timbers’ “Five years of GPT progress” delivers an overview of the evolution of GPT models over the years.

Research Papers: The Pioneers of LLMs

An understanding of the original research papers is vital to comprehend the conceptual underpinnings of LLMs:

  1. Radford et al.’s papers on GPT-1 and GPT-2 lay the foundation for the GPT series.
  2. Brown et al.’s GPT-3 paper presents the latest and largest model in the GPT series.

Philosophy of GPT: Understanding the Implications

With the widespread use of LLMs, several philosophical discussions have arisen concerning their capabilities and implications:

  • Fernando Borretti’s “And Yet It Understands”, and Ted Chiang’s “ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web” offer contrasting perspectives on the understanding and capabilities of ChatGPT.
  • Noam Chomsky’s “The False Promise of ChatGPT” presents a critical view of the promises of ChatGPT.

Practical Usage of LLMs

As LLMs have become more advanced, they have found practical use in a variety of applications:

  • Chip Huyen’s “Building LLM applications for production” offers valuable insights on leveraging LLMs effectively in real-world applications.

GPT/LLM Link Collections

Several repositories and lists have been curated to help navigate the extensive resources available on LLMs and GPT models:

  • AI Notes hosts a variety of articles and podcasts on AI and LLMs.
  • ChatGPT Failures showcases examples of things GPT models get wrong, illuminating areas for improvement.

Random Fun and Interesting Applications

LLMs and GPT models have been applied creatively in numerous projects:

  • Marvin generates Python functions based on descriptions in a comment.
  • ChatGDB allows users to issue GDB debugger commands using natural language.
  • CommitGPT creates git commit messages based on the context of the changes.

Controlling Output

Several methods have been developed to control the output of LLMs more effectively:

By exploring these resources, you can comprehensively understand Large Language Models, especially GPT models, and their applications. This knowledge will help you effectively utilise these transformative technologies in your projects or research.



Dean Lofts

Dean (Loftwah) | Self-taught coder | AI, AWS, DevOps, DevRel, Ruby, Rust, Terraform | Hip-hop producer, dad | EddieHub Ambassador, LinkFree | ISTP-A 🎧🤖🎓