Unlocking Corporate Sponsorships for Your Open Source Project: LinkFree’s Guide to Success

Dean Lofts
3 min readApr 8, 2023


Unlocking Corporate Sponsorships for Your Open Source Project: LinkFree’s Guide to Success
Unlocking Corporate Sponsorships for Your Open Source Project: LinkFree’s Guide to Success

As a dedicated member of the EddieHub open-source community and a contributor to LinkFree, I understand the importance of securing corporate sponsorships to sustain and grow our project. LinkFree, an open-source alternative to Linktree, aims to help users create simple, customisable profile pages that consolidate all their essential links in one place. In this article, I’ll share strategies and offerings that can help us attract corporate sponsors, especially those interested in open-source software or employing software engineers.

Offer Customization and Branding Solutions

Corporate sponsors value maintaining a consistent brand image across all platforms. By offering customisation and branding options for their LinkFree pages, we can seamlessly help sponsors integrate their company logo, colours, and styles. This feature will make their pages stand out and demonstrate their commitment to supporting open-source projects.

Provide Priority Support

By offering priority support to corporate sponsors, we can ensure their issues and feature requests are addressed promptly. This can include faster response times, dedicated communication channels, and even access to private Slack or Discord channels for real-time assistance.

Develop Custom Features

Tailoring custom features specifically for corporate sponsors can help them stand out from the crowd and meet their unique requirements. We can create a more compelling and valuable offering that caters to their needs by offering exclusive functionalities.

Conduct Training Sessions and Workshops

Hosting training sessions or workshops on practical LinkFree usage, best practices for open source software development, and fostering collaboration within their organisations can help sponsors get the most out of their sponsorship. These sessions will not only provide valuable insights but also help strengthen the relationship between our community and corporate sponsors.

Showcase Sponsorship Recognition

Acknowledging corporate sponsors on our website, GitHub repository, and social media channels can boost their visibility and demonstrate their commitment to open-source projects. We can help create a mutually beneficial relationship between our project and the sponsors by showcasing their logos and names.

Offer Documentation Services

High-quality documentation is crucial for any project, product, or service. By providing one-off documentation services or ongoing documentation support to corporate sponsors, we can help them enhance their offerings’ user experience and overall quality.

Create a Tailored Documentation Style/Tone Guide

Developing a custom documentation style and tone guide for corporate sponsors can help them create clear, concise, and engaging documentation. This guide can outline best practices for writing and maintaining user-friendly content, which can further enhance their reputation.

Facilitate Networking and Collaboration Opportunities

Organising events like hackathons or meetups can allow corporate sponsors to interact with EddieHub community members, share ideas, and collaborate on projects. These events can also help sponsors discover emerging talent and foster strong relationships within the open-source community.

Grant Access to Emerging Talent

Giving corporate sponsors early access to emerging talent within the EddieHub community can help them identify potential hires for internships or full-time roles. This can also create opportunities for collaboration and partnership between sponsors and our community.

Host Exclusive Webinars or Podcasts

We can inform our corporate sponsors about the latest trends and best practices in open-source software development and community management by hosting exclusive webinars or podcasts featuring thought leaders from the open-source community.

By offering these services and perks, we can create an attractive package for corporate sponsors that goes beyond the basic features of LinkFree. This will help sustain and grow our project and foster a robust and lasting relationship between the EddieHub open-source community and our corporate sponsors. Together, we can continue to promote the benefits of open-source software and create an inclusive environment for newcomers and experienced developers alike.



Dean Lofts

Dean (Loftwah) | Self-taught coder | AI, AWS, DevOps, DevRel, Ruby, Rust, Terraform | Hip-hop producer, dad | EddieHub Ambassador, LinkFree | ISTP-A 🎧🤖🎓